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智能机器人 驰为ILIFE V5旗舰版 扫地机器人 湿拖吸扫吸尘器 家用

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最后更新: 2018-03-03 22:39
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    联系人 张小姐

    是否天天为打扫卫生而烦恼 没时间 打扫卫生太烦了 有没有碰到以下问题,ilife扫地机统统为你搞定。


    We ae vey glad to pesent ou Newest Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleane V5 Po with Slim design and the below featues:

    Thisnewest Robot vacuum cleane hasWate Tank enclosedso that you can make theWet cleaning!

    -Smat Dual Woking Mode Smat ShiftfoDy and Wet Cleaning

    - Built in300ml Wate Tankwith even wate output

    - Wet Cleaning is available when the Wate Tank is put inside the Cleane body. (NoSuction function duing wet cleaning)

    -Nanofibe Mop Clothis available fo moe powefulcleaning

    -Fequency Convesion Bushless Motopovide youLonge Using Lifeand muchLowe Woking Sound

    -Poweful Suction Ability fom 500Pa to 800Pa

    - Enhanced Cleancan be done with Max button pessed,bings you the Max 800Pa Suction Powe

    - Double PotectionMeasues foCollisions-poof:

    1. OBS sensoson the bodymake this Robot Vacuum Cleaneecognize the baie and avoide being collided.(Light colo baie: Change the diection in the pope time; Deep colo baie: touch the baie lightly and thenchange the diection)

    2. In casethe body touch the baie, theBuffe Stuctueand theTPU Bumpeat the font of the cleane will potect the cleane and funitue fom being damaged

    - 3 sets cliffsensosat the bottom make this Robot Vacuum CleaneDop-Avoidance(>=9 cm height).

    -Baie-Coss Abilityfo Heightof 12 mm Max.Climbing Abilityfo 15degee max. slopes

    -Automatic Cleaningfo Home and Office, lage aea available upto 120~150 Squae metes

    - 5 Clean Methods:Auto Clean, Spot Clean, Edge Clean, Enhanced Clean,Wet clean(Nosuction function duing wet clean)

    -2 Chaging Modes:Auto Chage, Manual Chage

    -Daily/Schedule Cleaning Plan available: Set the stat time, and make the cleaning daily at the fixed time even you ae not in office o in Home

    -Self Chaging:This smat Robotic Vacuum Cleane can etun to the Chage Dock when it is going to out of powe

    -75mm Slim designenable this Robot Vacuum Cleane woking in the naow space

    -2600mAHA-Gade Li-Battey Built-info Long Woking Hous

    -IR Remote contolwith LCD Display fo Easy Opeation

    -LED Indicatoson poduct showing the woking status

    -Low Noise Design could be 40.5dB at thelowest(woking sound anged fom 40.5dB duingwet cleaning to60dB duingenhanced maxCleaning)

    (Due to the diffeent light envioment and monito display, the colo you see fom the monito may diffe with the actual colo)


    凡购买本公司任何商品,有质量问题或有少发请及时与我们联系,我们会第一时间给你解决问题,并给你一个满意的答复1.收货7天内(以运单签收日期为准)如发现功能性失效、有质量问题的产品,请及时联系我们;逾期不予受理,作假虚报的情况一经核实不予理睬并投诉处理。2.因考虑客户不可能所有产品在收到货后都逐一检查,我们允许收货后7天内再发现有质量问题,我们都可以给您换货或退货处理。3.客户对产品颜色或款式的指定,我们会尽力满足,但不一定能100%满足。如因颜色和款式不符合,将不予退换货(客户可注明无法按要求配货可做缺货处理);4.买家以不满意或不好卖为理由,产品实际没有质量问题,我们将不予退换货;5.客户在收货时无论外包装箱是否破损,都需要开箱检查,如有产品因运输问题产生破损,请让相关运输公司出据加盖公章的证明,并将此证明提供给我们,由我们来协助客户进行索赔;如因物流造成货物有破损或丢失,我们将不承担相关责任.6.所有客户请保护好产品包装的完整、配件或相关资料的齐全,产品自身有质量问题的,在规定的时间内我们都将给于换货;(单独换货运费由客户承担,建议下次订单换补)7.如退回的产品包装不完整、配件或相关资料不齐;未经授权擅自修理、改装;未按正常方法使用、贮存;超出产品保修期;退回产品贴有标签,弄虚做假,我们将不承担退换;8.客户在发现产品质量问题退货时,请用普通快递退回我公司,运费客户垫付,公司在收到货后会按快递清单贴补运费和商品实际费用,若客户在未与客服沟通情况下,直接退货,我们将不予受理;谢谢你的配合,沟通从心开始!保修条列:我 司批发的扫地机器人一般情况下保修一年,如果该产品停产,以批发日期开始计算保修半年。 在正常使用情况下出现故障 (注:正常使用情况是指按一般使用者在正常使用状态下,无人为故意或过失因素所导致的自然损坏),我司免费保修,如人为损坏的,视情况提供免惠或材料费的 保修服服务。在下列情况下,保修将自动失效。1产品曾被错误操作、疏忽使用或因不可抗力(如:水灾、火灾、地震、雷击等)造成的损坏;2产品曾被非本公司技术人员维修或改装;3产品机身编码或保修标贴曾被替换、涂改或改装;4不按原提供之安装、操作或保养;5外观严重损坏、破裂



